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The Ultimate Guide to Caring for Houseplants During Severe Weather

Categories: OTHERS

Our beloved houseplants bring life and vibrancy to our homes. But when severe weather strikes, these indoor companions can become vulnerable. From scorching heatwaves to torrential downpours, extreme weather conditions can disrupt their delicate balance. This comprehensive guide equips you with the knowledge and strategies to safeguard your houseplants during nature's fury.


Understanding How Weather Affects Houseplants


Before diving into specific actions, let's explore how different weather events can impact your houseplants:


Heatwaves: Intense heat and sunlight can cause dehydration, leaf scorch, and stunted growth.

Drought: Extended dry spells cause the soil to become less moist, which can cause wilting, drooping leaves, and even harm to the roots.

Heavy Rain: Excessive rain can saturate the soil, leading to root rot and fungal diseases.

Strong Winds: High winds can knock over plants, damage leaves, and cause stress.

Sudden Temperature Fluctuations: Rapid swings in temperature can stress plants and disrupt their growth cycle.

Remember: Depending on the species, your plants will have different needs.   Knowing their natural environment and average climatic tolerance will be a great starting point for providing care in the event of extreme weather.


Prepping Your Houseplants for Severe Weather

Here's how to fortify your houseplants before the elements take hold:


Grouping Plants Strategically: Group plants with similar light and water requirements together. This simplifies adjustments needed during weather changes.


Hydration Matters: Give your plants plenty of water one or two days prior to a heat wave or time of strong winds. Plants with adequate water reserves are more resilient to adversity.


Mulch Magic: Apply a thin layer of organic mulch around the base of your plants. This helps retain moisture during dry spells and regulates soil temperature.


Pot Power: Ensure your plants are in pots with adequate drainage holes. This prevents waterlogging during heavy rain. Consider repotting rootbound plants before severe weather hits.


Location:  Relocate your plants to a sheltered spot during extreme weather events. 

Here's a breakdown by weather type:


Heatwaves: Plants should be moved to colder rooms or farther away from windows that face south. If you would want more protection from strong sunlight, think about using sheer curtains.

Drought: Plants can stay put, but increase monitoring of soil moisture.

Heavy Rain: Bring plants indoors or to a covered patio to avoid excessive downpour.

Strong Winds: Move plants away from windows and doors to prevent them from being knocked over.


Caring for Your Houseplants During Different Types of Severe Weather

Now that your plants are prepped, here's a specific action plan for various weather scenarios:




Watering: Increase watering frequency, focusing on keeping the soil consistently moist but not soggy.

Humidity Boost: Group plants together or use a pebble tray filled with water to increase humidity around them.

Misting: If the humidity is already high, misting the leaves can have a short-term cooling impact, but be careful of fungus problems.

Ventilation: Provide good air circulation around your plants, but avoid placing them directly in strong air conditioning vents.




Watering: When the top inch of soil seems completely dry to the touch, water deeply and thoroughly. Steer clear of shallow watering too frequently since this promotes root growth close to the surface.

Mulch Maintenance: Ensure the mulch layer remains moist to retain soil moisture.

Grouping Power: Group plants together to create a microclimate with higher humidity.


Heavy Rain:


Drainage Check: Ensure drainage holes are clear and functioning properly to prevent waterlogging.

Empty Drainage Trays: Empty any water that accumulates in drainage trays to prevent roots from sitting in water.

Monitor for Disease: Be extra vigilant for signs of fungal diseases that thrive in moist conditions.


Strong Winds:


Support System: To keep taller plants from tipping over, stake them firmly or use trellises as support.

Window Protection: Close windows and doors during strong winds to minimize drafts and flying debris.


Sudden Temperature Fluctuations:


Grouping Strategy: Group plants with similar temperature tolerance together. This minimizes the need for drastic adjustments during temperature shifts.

Avoid Drafts: Plants should not be near air conditioners, doors, or windows that let in cold drafts.

Gradual Adjustments: If moving plants to a different location, introduce them to the new environment gradually to avoid stress.

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The Ultimate Guide to Caring for Houseplants During Severe Weather