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AI in Education Transforming the Way We Learn and Teach

Categories: TECHNOLOGY

AI in Education: Transforming the Way We Learn and Teach:

Artificial intelligence has had a significant impact on modern schooling. Long used to enhance the teaching and learning process, AI has been used in individualised education and adaptive evaluation.

The ability to individually personalise training for each student is one of the key benefits of AI in education. By analysing data on each student's learning style, pace, and performance, AI can create a customised learning plan that is tailored to their needs. AI helps students learn more effectively, and AI also helps teachers identify areas where students need extra support.

Also, administrative duties like grading tests and assignments are automated using AI. AI can free up teachers' time so they can concentrate on more crucial responsibilities, including giving kids individualised support. Your experience can be enhanced with AI to make it more compelling and immersive. For instance, simulations that assist students and teachers in exploring complicated subjects in a more participatory and engaging way can be made using virtual and augmented reality technologies.

There also appear to be some challenges associated with the use of AI in education. The potential for bias is one of the main concerns in AI algorithms. If AI algorithms are not designed with proper safeguards to prevent bias, they can help perpetuate and amplify existing social and cultural biases.

Another of these concerns is AI's potential to completely replace teachers. AI can also be seen as a valuable tool to enhance the learning experience. The role of a human teacher cannot be replaced by AI which shows emotional support and guidance to the students.

From all perspectives the use of AI in education is set to revolutionize the way we learn and teach whereas, the power of AI can be leveraged to create personalized learning experiences, automate administrative tasks and create more engaging learning environments To enable all students to have access to a high quality education that helps meet their individual needs.

AI in Education:

Education is an important part of everyone's life, and a good education plays an important role in a successful life. To improve the education system for the students, there are always a lot of changes happening all over the world, from the way of teaching to the type of curriculum. Artificial Intelligence is a thriving technology that is being used in almost every field and is changing the world.

Artificial intelligence (AI) is the simulation of human intelligence in a computer machine so that it can think and act like a human. It is a technology that helps a computer machine to think like a human. The purpose of artificial intelligence is to mimic human behavior. AI has various uses and applications in various fields including education.

How AI is used in education:

AI improves the personalization of student learning programmes and courses, boosts tutoring by assisting students in strengthening their areas of weakness and developing their skills, and quickens teacher-student interaction. Promotes universal access to learning around-the-clock and ensures responsiveness. In addition to automating administrative activities, teachers can also utilise AI to grade papers, measure student learning patterns, and more.

Teachers have prioritised differentiating instruction depending on a student's specific needs for years, but AI will provide a level of differentiation that is not possible for instructors who must supervise 30 students in each class. In order to give learning, testing, and feedback to students from pre-K to the college level in a way that allows them to do what they want, a number of businesses, including Content Technologies and Carnegie Learning, are currently developing intelligent instruction design and digital platforms that use AI. Trials reveal weaknesses for which they are ready. In information and, when necessary, switches to new subjects.

AI is used in education in the following ways.

i. Assign Coursework: This LMS with AI software allows for the learning of a wide range of disciplines. A learner can receive assistance from an AI-powered intelligent digital tutor, who guides them through their challenges and gives them the solutions they need. A learning management system that can comprehend students' thoughts and improve their learning can also be created using artificial intelligence. LMS systems are now available that can assist teachers in creating content, assist parents in tracking their child's progress across the system, and evaluate students using AI engines.

ii. Admin tasks: Applications (AIA) improve educational efficacy as well as academic and administrative efficiency. With the aid of Learning Analytics (LA), Virtual Reality (VR), Grading/Assessments (G/A), and Admissions, AIA assists teachers with a variety of duties. It reduces a teacher's administrative duties so they can focus more on instructing and guiding students.

In the modern period, where there are many responsibilities related to the teaching profession, AIA makes a big contribution to improving student learning, reducing a teacher's workload, efficiently and effectively grading/assessing pupils, and assisting in many other administrative activities.

iii. Enabling universal access:  For students who need to learn at different levels, who want to learn a subject that is not offered in their school, or who are unable to attend class, AI in education opens up new options.

Also, with the use of AI tools, all students, including those who speak different languages, have access to educational settings on a worldwide scale. For instance, students can view real-time subtitles for everything the lector says with a PowerPoint plugin like Presentation Translator.

iv. Enabling personalisation: The AI Engine suggests issues that some students find annoying. Yet, they seem to make an effort to provide the right answers. Their teacher emphasises her role in assisting students before and throughout the ten-minute exercise sessions while also expressing some certainty about the capabilities of the AI Engine to personalise assignments.

Personalization, however, does not seem to be something the AI Engine accomplishes. As a result of the complex web of exercises, algorithms that predict and deliver the exercises, computers, desks, students attempting to input the right answers through keyboards via specific interfaces, and a supporting teacher moving around the classroom constantly, the concept of personalization and automated teaching instead emerges.

v. Automation tasks: When we think of AI and task automation, many of us immediately picture high-tech and sophisticated sectors, but education frequently flies under our radar.

The general consensus is that the field of education is not particularly technologically sophisticated. Although there are more computers and online learning tools than ever before (such as Google Classroom, Canvas, etc.), the education system as a whole has not yet undergone any significant automation.

Particularly, schools and academic/administrative systems frequently lose productivity and time on tedious, repetitive operations that can be readily automated with AI.

vi. Plagiarism detection:  Due in large part to the extensive availability of electronic resources online, plagiarism is a severe issue that is becoming more prevalent among students in academic institutions (e.g., text, exercise solutions). Plagiarism is the practice of using another person's words or ideas without giving credit to the original author. Plagiarism is an issue in classes where writing essays and providing detailed responses to exercises are required, as well as in programming courses where students duplicate each other's source code.

Automatic and computer-aided plagiarism detection has drawn significant academic interest in the past two decades. To find plagiarism in students' work, several plagiarism detection tools have been developed.  

vii. Chatbots: By using education chatbots to manage the student experience from admission to graduation, you may exponentially grow your educational institution. By automating repetitive processes and taking care of administrative and non-administrative enquiries, the team may operate more efficiently.

Chatbots for education are ingeniously changing how organisations communicate with their pupils. They are attempting to make it simpler for students to learn and participate in all of the activities available to them throughout their course of study.

viii. Creating smart content: Teachers and students can use, repurpose, and modify some of the high-quality resources that are offered without charge or with few restrictions for their instruction and learning. Students are substituting digital course materials for textbooks because they are too voluminous.

These resources increase interactivity and social participation for both teachers and students. E-content is one of the materials that may be created, produced, utilised, re-used, and distributed. Because of its flexibility in terms of learning location, time, and speed, e-content is growing in popularity. All forms of material produced and distributed using various electronic media are referred to as e-content.

E-content is accessible across a wide range of subjects and education levels. It can be used by a wide range of students with various needs, backgrounds, degrees of expertise, and skill sets. It may be quickly and simply shared and sent across an infinite number of people worldwide.

The usage of well-designed and developed e-content benefits educators, students, and other parties. Making their programme available to teachers and students at home, on campus, and in other community learning or resource centres benefits educational organisations. It has important ramifications for institutions of open and distance learning.

ix. Robotics: Over the past few years, artificial intelligence and robotics have become more prevalent in education. Now that it is being used in education, it may be seen to increase student engagement and safety for both teachers and students.

The current state of AI development makes robotics in education unavoidable. Robots may be a fantastic learning tool for both students and teachers, providing an engaging method to delve deeply into a subject.

This means that robots can give teachers a method to spend more one-on-one time with children who need extra assistance. Also, it enables them to test out novel teaching techniques, which is crucial when attempting to engage various student types.

For students, it's an opportunity to learn something new on their own without feeling under pressure from being the only student in the class or from having their peers criticise them when they make mistakes.

AI tools:

Knewton: a platform for adaptive learning that may give students individualised course materials.

Dialogflow: a platform for building chatbots powered by Google that can assist teachers in building their own chatbots for various educational uses.

Carnegie Learning: A maths education platform driven by AI that can adjust to the demands of each student and deliver individualised instruction.

Open edX Insights: A free, open-source learning analytics platform that can help educators track student progress and engagement.

Google Cloud Speech-to-Text: An API for speech recognition that can be used to create voice-activated instructional programmes.

Classcraft: A gamified learning management system that aids teachers in involving pupils and encouraging good conduct.

OpenCV: A free, open-source computer vision library that may be used in a range of subjects in school, including robotics and computer graphics.

Kahoot!: A platform for creating tests and other educational games that are game-based.

These are just a handful of the numerous free AI resources that teachers and students can use to research the uses of AI in the classroom.

AI in Education Transforming the Way We Learn and Teach